Te Hinaki Education Trust

Te Hinaki Education Trust is a registered Charitable Trust that has been established in the service of the kaupapa of the Horowhenua Schools to meet the aims of the initiative.

The Trust's purpose is to support schools and whanau to help children realise their full potential through the provision of appropriate resources and infrastructure in the Horowhenua. This includes setting up financial processes and structures that enable families to lease to buy the appropriate digital tools through the Trust.

Te Hinaki Education Trust will support the achievement of the strategic goals by:

Supporting children, whanau and communities:

Supporting children, whanau and collaborating communities in Horowhenua to enjoy and thrive in the digital world.

Accelerating capability, enjoyment and results:

Fostering initiatives that work with educators, whanau and the community to build capability and enjoyment in the use of technology and accelerate educational achievement.


Providing learning infrastructure, systems and resources:

Working with others to design, implement and review the learning infrastructure, resources and systems to supplement what schools and whanau need.

Access learning tools:

giving children and whanau in the Horowhenua community equitable and appropriate access to learning tools.

When all we want is a great Education