Levin Rotary Charity House Sponsorship Deal for Te Hinaki Trust

charity house


Levin Rotary is about to embark on one of its' largest community projects. The Club has secured the use of a site at 156 Oxford Street where a relocatable 107 sqm house will be built.

Proceeds will go to the Horowhenua based Te Hinaki Education Trust. Its objective is to give every Horowhenua primary or secondary school child, equitable access to the digital environment.

Levin Rotary is appealing to the community to get behind the project by supporting the auction and by offering materials, chattels, expertise, time, money and items which can be raffled to raise funds. Rotary would love to secure the services of a building transport firm, so transport could be included in the price realised at auction.

If you would like more information or to become involved with the project contact the Project Manager,
Murray Forward phone 0272240701
or Barry Rollinson  phone 0272775619 


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